the first in the trilogy of The Valley of Vision:

Declarations in the Desert is a collection of powerful, life-giving decrees that will break the Enemy’s onslaught during some of the most dry and dusty valleys of life. This book will lead you through ninety decrees across four distinct desert seasons:
There is a holy freedom living in these pages and you will organically experience it- just as it is being declared from the Throne Room itself. As you decree the living Word over your life and the situations before you, you will see atmospheres begin to shift. The promises of God will begin to blossom in what were once the stagnant and listless parts of your life.

I declare that the words that leave my lips
Will be full of compassion,
Preserving the holiness of His Word,
And seasoning the Earth with the salt
Of the uncompromised Truths
Of His Kingdom.
Hi, it's me, Tara.
Writing this book with the Holy Spirit has been one of the most unexpected adventures of my life. As many of you know, these declarations were written from personal experiences - of sitting in the depths of the aching valleys, and rejoicing on the peaks of the most magnificent mountains. I have felt the tears, the joy, the delays, the accelerations, and everything in between as I trusted the Lord in some of the most vulnerable and trying moments of my life. I know you have too - there is a unity of precious suffering and radical confidence in this book that so many of us know so well. Yet even in the midst of the darkness - there is the most glorious light. He never leaves us nor forsakes us. He never wastes the pain. Our declarations and prayers don't fall upon deaf ears. Encouragement, strength, and victory is in every grain of sand as we continue to make our way through the desert. He is so faithful.
I am humbled, honored, and honestly overjoyed to see how Jesus is truly receiving His full reward through Declarations in the Desert. Your emails and phone calls have encouraged my spirit so deeply and reminded me, yet again, of the faithfulness of our God. This book was an act of obedience sealed with a promise from On High to take it where it needs to go. I have prayed that this book reaches not only the believers but also the most lost and hurting and that when the pages are opened the Living Word rises up and the reader has a personal encounter that leaves them transformed: mind, body, and spirit.
“You will also decide and decree a thing, and it will be established for you; and the light of God’s favor will shine upon your ways.”
Job 22:28
Hear from
Johnny & Elizabeth Enlow
on declarations in the desert

Tara would love it if you could leave a review on Amazon on how the book has impacted your life. When a testimony is released, it creates an atmosphere for the miracle to be duplicated. Just as in Revelations 12:11 "They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony." It will not only encourage others but as Tara wrote in the dedication page of Declarations in the Desert: "May the Lamb receive the reward of His suffering."